
What’s elephantry?

Elephantry is an OMM, object model manager, a tool to interact with a database like an ORM but with an opposite philosophy.

In both cases, the goal is to make the link between a database and its relational model and your application using the object paradigm.

The ORM approach consists in mapping the relational model in the object world and making your code the reference to design the database.

In addition, ORM comes with an abstraction layer (DBAL) that allows you to transparently use multiple databases. As a result, they have to limit themselves to the database with the least functionality. The SQL evolves and you miss out on many features that can help you solve your problems effectively.

An OMM lets the database manage what it can do best, and takes care of presenting to your application easily manipulated data as simple objects. The OMM is a simple convertion layer and will help you by avoiding writing the simplest queries (insert, update and delete) as an ORM but let you writing more complex queries without overhead.

Comparing ORM and OMM philosophy

The first consequence of this is a much simpler tool. As a comparison doctrine (the most popular ORM in the PHP ecosystem) includes 230,850 lines of code compared to 24,906 for POMM1.

The second consequence you’ll unleashed the power of SQL and using all of its power.

A OMM puts the database back at the heart of data management and not just an object persistent layer.

If you want to read more about the difference between ORM and OMM, you can read Why Pomm?

Or if you prefer a video, you can see Unleash Postgresql features in your PHP developments.


This paradigm change involves we should start by design our database instead of our objects.

database schema

create table department (
    department_id serial primary key,
    name text not null,
    parent_id integer references department (department_id)

create table employee (
    employee_id serial primary key,
    first_name text not null,
    last_name  text not null,
    birth_date date not null check (age(birth_date) >= '18 years'::interval),
    is_manager boolean not null default false,
    day_salary numeric(7,2) not null,
    department_id integer not null references department (department_id)

See the structure.sql file for complete source with data sample.


First of all, it is necessary to connect to the database. In a very classical way, this is done thanks to its URL:

let database_url = std::env::var("DATABASE_URL")
    .expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
let elephantry = elephantry::Pool::new(&database_url)?;

If you prefer the legacy way (like psql), you can use elephantry::Pool::from_config:

let elephantry = elephantry::Pool::from_config(&elephantry::Config::default())?;

elephantry::Config discorvers missing parameters from environment variables (PGUSER, PGHOST, PGDATABASE, PGPORT and PGPASSWORD) and PGPASSFILE file.

You can see the explain code source2 to see an example how to use this with structopt (it’s easy like impl the Into trait).

You can also use the config crate (by enabling the config-support feature) to use this layered configuration system to easily build an elephantry::Config object. See 00-config.rs.

To help your sysadmin to investage about performance issues, I recommand to set the application name in the connection parameter:

let elephantry = elephantry::Pool::new("postgresql://")?;

This is usefull in pgbadger for example.


Primitive types

From there, it is already possible to make simple queries and get the results autautomatically typed in rust:

let results = elephantry.execute("select * from department")?;

for result in &results {
    let name: String = result.get("name");

Simple, isn’t it? To avoid panic if the field does not exist, it’s a good idea to use the Tupple::try_get function:

let missing_field: i32 = results.get(0).try_get("missing_field")?;

The Rows::get function allows you to retrieve a result line without going through all records3.

Similarly if the field is null (because null can’t be transformed to i32):

let parent_id: i32 = results.get(0).try_get("parent_id")?;

In this case, it is possible to use the Option type:

let parent_id: Option<i32> = results.get(0).get("parent_id");

See 01-execute.rs.


Now that we’ve seen how to pick up simple guys, it’s possible to go further to directly retrieve an entity as a structure. To do this, our structure must implement the elephantry::Entity trait, to help you with this repetitive work, you can use the elephantry::Entity derive macro:

mod employee {
    #[derive(Debug, elephantry::Entity)]
    struct Entity {
        employee_id: i32,
        first_name: String,
        last_name: String,
        birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
        is_manager: bool,
        day_salary: bigdecimal::BigDecimal,
        department_id: i32,

Thanks to this, you can use the Connection::query function which allows you to directly retrieve entities:

let employees = elephantry.query::<employee::Entity>(
    "select * from employee",

for employee in employees {

The second parameter of the Connection::query function allows you to pass parameters to our query, for example to retrieve a record with its id:

let employees = elephantry.query::<employee::Entity>(
    "select * from employee where is_manager = $1",

If you’re tired of numbering parameters, you can use the $* placeholder.

This saves you from having to pay attention to special characters and protects you against SQL injections.

Simple types already implement the Entity tray, that imply if your query returns one column, you can simply get its.

In addition, if you are only interested by the first row, you can use Connection::query_one.

let total_salary = elephantry.query_one::<bigdecimal::BigDecimal>("select sum(day_salary) from employee", &[])?;

See 02-query.rs.


We now come to the heart of the OMM principle with the trio entity/model/structure that will allow us to make the link between a table of our database and our entity, while maintaining a certain amount of flexibility.

We have already seen the entities that will contain our data.

The elephantry::Structure and elephantry::Projectable traits4 will contain the information about a table:

struct Structure;

impl elephantry::Structure for Structure {
    fn primary_key() -> &'static [&'static str] {

impl elephantry::Projectable for Structure {
    fn relation() -> &'static str {

    fn columns() -> &'static [&'static str] {

The elephantry::Projectable::relation function returns the name of the table (but it can be a view), elephantry::Structure::primary_key the field or fields composing the primary key, and finally elephantry::Projectable::columns will contain the list of the fields of our table.

You can use derive attribute to generate this code:

mod employee {
    #[derive(Debug, elephantry::Entity)]
    #[elephantry(structure = "Structure", relation = "public.employee")]
    struct Entity {
        employee_id: i32,
        first_name: String,
        last_name: String,
        birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
        is_manager: bool,
        day_salary: bigdecimal::BigDecimal,
        department_id: i32,

The elephantry::Model trait creates the link between an entity and a structure:

struct Model;

impl elephantry::Model for Model {
    type Entity = Entity;
    type Structure = Structure;

    fn new(_: &elephantry::Connection) -> Self {

Or with derive attribute:

mod employee {
    #[derive(Debug, elephantry::Entity)]
    #[elephantry(model = "Model", structure = "Structure", relation = "public.employee")]
    struct Entity {
        employee_id: i32,
        first_name: String,
        last_name: String,
        birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
        is_manager: bool,
        day_salary: bigdecimal::BigDecimal,
        department_id: i32,

This information is linked to your database and therefore has little ability to change, the elephantry-cli utility generates them for you:

DATABASE_URL='postgres://localhost/elephantry' elephantry generate:schema-all

This being defined, you can now request our entities without taking care to write the entire request:

let employees = elephantry.find_all::<employee::Model>(None)?;

for employee in employees {

The elephantry::Connection structure provides additional functions to retreive your data :

See 03-read.rs.


Theire functions return the impacted entity(ies).

See 04-write.rs.

Additional informations

So far we have covered the basic functionality, it is you’re probably wondering what the point of an ORM is.

That’s where the database is going to be our best ally. Rather than to get our base entities back and then operate on them in order to extend them to finally display them, we will directly ask to PostgreSQL to enrich our entities and retrieve them with these additional fields (or, why not, don’t get all fields5).

This will be possible with the model. The default projection6 contains all the fields of our table, but it is possible to define another one via the elephantry::Model::create_projection function:

impl elephantry::Model for Model {
    fn create_projection() -> elephantry::Projection {
            .add_field("age", "age(%:birth_date:%)")

Here we add to our select a field that will contain the age of the employee. Note the notation %:birth_date:% which will be replaced by the complet name of the field and escape it if necessary.

Without forgetting to add this field to our entity:

struct Entity {
    employee_id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
    is_manager: bool,
    day_salary: f32,
    department_id: i32,
    age: u32,

You also do the same think with the virtual attribute:

struct Entity {
    employee_id: i32,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
    is_manager: bool,
    day_salary: f32,
    department_id: i32,
    #[elephantry(virtual = "age(%:birth_date:%)"]
    age: u32,

Now by doing a find_all we automatically retrieve this new field:

let employees = elephantry.find_all::<employee::Model>(Some("order by age"))?;

for employee in employees {

See 05-extra.rs.

You can already use the power of SQL, such as the window functions, for example, compute the difference between each day_salary:

select first_name, last_name, day_salary,
    day_salary - lag(day_salary) over(order by day_salary) as difference
    from employee;

│ first_name  │ last_name  │ day_salary │ difference │
│ sébastien   │ grossein   │    3900.98 │          ¤ │
│ louise      │ monacor    │    4100.00199.02│ alexandre   │ jardin     │    4500.00400.00│ david       │ garadjian  │    4500.000.00│ patrick     │ cordier    │    4700.00200.00│ jérome      │ binet      │    4800.00100.00│ estelle     │ li jih     │    5300.00500.00│ ishaam      │ elraouï    │    5600.00300.00│ jean-pierre │ kassem     │    8700.003100.00│ david       │ roneker    │    9000.00300.00│ laurent     │ galatier   │   13850.004850.00│ michèle     │ pfizer     │   15000.001150.00│ alexis      │ gelbetchev │   17500.002500.00│ jean        │ dupont     │   20000.002500.00└─────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴────────────┘

Simply add this field to your projection. I leave you imagine the same thing done in rust.

Complex requests

Maybe you wish to make a request more complex than simply change the projection, for example, an aggregate to sum up even numbers.

SQL has the advantage of being a high level language: if your query compiles it will run without error (like rust ^^). So I encourage you, for more complex requests, write them yourself. Elephantry helps you not to copy certain information.

This is done in our model.

To start, we’re going to handle the connection to the database so that we can execute our request:

struct Model {
    connection: elephantry::Connection,

impl elephantry::Model for Model {
    type Entity = std::collections::HashMap<String, i32>;
    type Structure = Structure;

    fn new(connection: &elephantry::Connection) -> Self {
        Self {
            connection: connection.clone(),

Note here we do not define an entity, we will use a simple hash table (which implements elephantry::Entity) to store our results.

Now all we have to do is write down our function:

impl employee::Model {
    pub fn managers_salary(&self) -> elephantry::Result<i32> {
        let query = "select sum(day_salary) from employee where is_manager";

        let result = self.connection.execute(query)?


And finally, we retrieve our model from our connection to run our request:

let model = elephantry.model::<employee::Model>();
let managers_salary = model.managers_salary()?;

See 06-complex.rs.


When you get here, you must have at least one question left: how do you deal with relations of our entity?

With an ORM, we retrieve the employee we are interested in and then use a method get_departement which will launch a new query to retrieve its department.

It’s in cases like that we need to think the exact opposite with the ORM approach: we will make only one query and retrieve our employee as well as his departments. Our SQL query will present the given in such a way that there’s simply a transformation of the types to be done. This is possible because PostgreSQL knows how to handle arrays, so we’re going to (via the projection) add a department table and all this will be transformed by elephantry into an entity:

use elephantry::{Model, Structure};

#[derive(Debug, elephantry::Entity)]
pub struct Employee {
    pub employee_id: i32,
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
    pub is_manager: bool,
    pub day_salary: bigdecimal::BigDecimal,
    pub departments: Vec<String>,

impl employee::Model {
    pub fn employee_with_department(&self, id: i32) -> elephantry::Result<Employee> {
        let query = r#"
select {projection}
    from {employee}
    join {departments} using(department_id)
    where employee_id = $1
    group by employee_id

        let projection = Self::create_projection()
            .add_field("department", "array_agg(department.name)");

        let sql = query
            .replace("{projection}", &projection.to_string())
            .replace("{employee}", employee::Structure::relation())
            .replace("{department}", department::Structure::relation());

        Ok(self.connection.query::<Employee>(&sql, &[&id])?.get(0))

If you use the model attribute to generate the Model implementation, you should add a virtual attribute to exclude this column from queries.

Ok, it’s a simple query because we retreive only one department per employee, but a department can have a parent! Why don’t you retreive its hierarchie? The query is a little more complex, especially if you aren’t familiar with recurcive CTE, here the SQL query:

with recursive
    depts (department_id, parent_id, name) as (
        select d.department_id, d.parent_id, d.name from department d join employee e using(department_id) where e.employee_id = $1
        union all
        select d.department_id, d.parent_id, d.name from depts parent join department d on parent.parent_id = d.department_id
select e.*, array_agg(depts.name) as departments
    from employee e, depts
    where e.employee_id = $1
    group by e.employee_id;

And you can see 07-relations for the complete example. How many queries do you think would be executed with an ORM?7

Composite type

With PostgreSQL, when you create a table, you also create a type with the same name.

select employee from employee;

│                    employee                    │
│ (1,jean,dupont,1952-03-21,t,20000.00,3)        │
│ (2,alexis,gelbetchev,1960-09-12,t,17500.00,3)  │
│ (3,michèle,pfizer,1956-01-07,t,15000.00,4)     │
│ (4,laurent,galatier,1969-05-19,t,13850.00,5)   │
│ (5,david,roneker,1972-12-02,t,9000.00,5)       │
│ (6,ishaam,elraouï,1978-06-21,f,5600.00,6)      │
│ (7,estelle,"li jih",1976-08-07,f,5300.00,6)    │
│ (8,jean-pierre,kassem,1964-03-30,t,8700.00,10) │
│ (9,alexandre,jardin,1983-09-14,f,4500.00,9)    │
│ (10,jérome,binet,1981-11-03,f,4800.00,9)       │
│ (11,david,garadjian,1985-02-28,f,4500.00,8)    │
│ (12,louise,monacor,1988-07-11,t,4100.00,8)     │
│ (13,patrick,cordier,1980-01-28,f,4700.00,8)    │
│ (14,sébastien,grossein,1987-10-18,f,3900.00,8) │

Here employee is a composite type contains all fields of the corresponding table.

You can use composite type to retreive all fields for relations:

#[derive(Debug, elephantry::Entity)]
pub struct Entity {
    pub employee_id: i32,
    pub first_name: String,
    pub last_name: String,
    pub birth_date: chrono::NaiveDate,
    pub is_manager: bool,
    pub day_salary: bigdecimal::BigDecimal,
    pub departments: Vec<Department>,

#[derive(Debug, elephantry::Composite)]
pub struct Department {
    department_id: i32,
    name: String,
    parent_id: Option<i32>,

See 08-composite.rs.

Composite types can also be created with create type.



Connection::execute, Connection::query and Connection::query_one are available in async context. To benefit from it, simply use the Connection::r#async function:

let results = elephantry.r#async().query::<employee::Entity>("select * from employee", &[]).await?;

You can see the 09-async.rs example8, it’s a rewrite of second example in async context.


As async, there is a second layer dedicated to transactions available via Connection::transaction function.

This layer allows you to start (begin) a new transaction, commit, roolback, …

You can see the 10-transaction.rs for a complete example.


PostgreSQL can be a low-effort message broker with LISTEN/NOTIFY commands.

See the 11-notification.rs example.


You can use the postgresql copy mode to insert many entities quickly:

let entities = (1..10_000).into_iter().map(employee::Entity::new);

elephantry.copy::<employee::Model, _>(entities)?;

See the 12-copy.rs example.

And much more

You can also see the todo rocket application for a real example.

You know everything there is to know about elephantry, the rest depends on your imagination and your mastery of SQL.

To go further on this last point:


We’re on the same diesel to elephantry ratio.


A tool that launches like psql but explain a query instead of execute its.


Constant time access O(1).


Since elephantry 4.0 the Structure trait is splited into 2 traits to extend projection (create a select … from … query) to other kinds than relations (table or view) who doesn’t have primary key.


This is particularly useful for not retrieving sensitive data like passwords.


The projection is the list of fields in the SELECT part of the request.


1 for the employee plus 1 per department, 4 here. The time taken by a query isn’t just the time to execute it. Every time you should add the network latency plus the time the ORM transforms results in objet.


The relevance of this example is limited because the underlayed driver, libpq, supports only one async query at a time.